

A Strategy to reduce your risk, including:

Avoiding project crashes, set-backs, and embarrassments.

Helping bring the project in on budget, on time, and with desired quality.

Minimizing headaches, rude surprises, and confusion - allowing you to focus on normal day-to-day operations.

Making your project more attractive to funding agencies.

A Methodology to meet your needs:

Assessing the variables before solving the equation

identifying owner needs

Separating construction headaches from normal, on-going business operations

Shepharding the procurement of Public Works Agreements, Storm Water Management Documents, Utility Changes, Building Permits

Analyzing cash-flow and draw schedules

Sorting options for the abatement of hazardous materials

Coordination and documentation of Sustainable Design efforts

Solutions to everyday problems:

Coordinating the efforts of Design Team and Builders

Monitor planning/programming sessions

Build project master schedule

Solicit and review periodic cost models, searching for value opportunities

Review bid packaging and bid results for conformity to expectations

Coordination with owner's "other" vendors

Review contracts, changes and invoices

Monitor budget and cash flow

Information Reporting

Quality Control

Dispute resolution

Additional Consulting Resources:

We live in an age of specialization. Should special needs arise on your project, I can call on allied specialists in the fields of Facility Management, Energy Studies, Sustainable Design and Construction, Cost Estimating, and Financial Pro-Forma, thereby strengthening the project and saving time.