

The Maryland School for the Blind

"For more than four years, Tom has provided the Project Management of our capital projects. He has done so professionally, with great experience and knowledge, good humor and abundant patience. His expertise has saved us money and mistakes on several occasions. He has worn many hats and is handy to have at the table for all planning, design, and construction meetings. He guides us in the hiring of designers and builders, the monitoring of their interactions, and the flow of money that makes it all possible. We look forward to Tom's continued involvement as we work our way through the entire master plan."
Robin L. Churchill, CPA
Former CFO

Washington Monument
Baltimore, MD

"During the Mount Vernon Place Conservancy's 2014-2015 award-winning restoration of Baltimore's Washington Monument, Tom filled the role of Project Manager. A complicated project from a logistic and historic preservation standpoint, Tom's decades of experience in construction and design enabled him at many points to identify, troubleshoot, and resolve unforeseen issues that arose during the tight project schedule. He carefully balanced the Conservancy's goals with the realities of their feasibility within budgets and timelines."
Lance Humphries
Executive Director

Corporation of the Roman Catholic Clergymen
Maryland Province of the Society of Jesus

"Recognizing early on the complexity of the Maryland Province as a client, Tom adeptly learned how to navigate Jesuit culture. With several projects now completed and the most significant project, a 60,000 sf Jesuit community residence in Baltimore, currently in construction, I do not know how the Maryland Province would have managed its projects without Tom's steady hand in dealing with all the constituencies involved. The Maryland Province is pleased, and fortunate, to have been the first client of McCracken Consulting LLC."
Rev. William P. Ryan, S.J.
Treasurer (2002-2010)

Basilica of the Assumption

"Henry H. Lewis Contractors was involved in the planning and historic restoration of this undertaking for over seven years. Tom McCracken led the Lewis team and their contributions every step of the way. His dual background in architecture and restoration often contributed the right balance on issues that otherwise begged for solution."
Mark Potter, Executive Director
The Basilica Historic Trust

Gilman School, Friends School, Outward Bound

"Because of his rare experience as an architect, owner, and builder, Tom brings valuable skills to the complex process of designing and building institutional projects."
Steve Ziger, AIA, Principal
Ziger/Snead Architects

Friends School of Baltimore

"As a member of the Board of Trustees for seven years and Building and Grounds Committee Chair, Tom led us through master planning, extensive public works improvements, and subsequent construction/renovation totalling nearly $25 million. Tom's background as a designer and builder, along with his service on the Board's Finance Committee, were critical components to the success of the planning and implementation of the School's many building projects."
Bonnie Hearn
Assistant Head of School for Finance & Operations

Independent Dialysis Foundation

"IDF operates facilities in six Maryland locations. Some ten years ago, we hired Henry H. Lewis Contractors - and Tom McCracken - as design-builder of a new headquarters building and base dialysis clinic. Since then, Tom has overseen a second new building and two tenant fit-outs for us. Thoughtful, user-friendly service and client loyalty describe his work ethic best."
Tracey Mooney

Henry H. Lewis Contractors, LLC

"Since 1977, I have worked with Tom as a young Project Architect, then as my client representative at The Johns Hopkins University, and during the past 20 years, a key staff member in my direct employment. He has sat at all sides of the table and understands well the complexities of our industry."
Henry Lewis
President & Founder

Thomas Point Shoal Lighthouse

"Tom's contacts and professional advice on contracting and material performance have been tremendously valuable to the restoration of this 1875 lighthouse, one of only ten in the nation with National Historic Landmark status."
Henry Gonzalez, Vice President
United States Lighthouse Society
